Cultural Baggage: that which interferes with intercultural dialog. The tendency for one's culture to pervade thinking, speech, and behavior.  Can become a factor during intercultural encounters when unconscious assumptions or behaviors prevent empathy.
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Education either functions as an instrument which is used to facilitate integration of the younger generation into
the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becomes the practice of freedom,
the means by which men and women deal
critically and creatively with reality and discover
how to participate in the transformation of their world.

-- Paulo Freire     

Dear Family,

I'm excited about having your child in my class and
am looking forward to a happy and productive semester.

Small Learning Communities

Your child is enrolled either in the Performing Arts or the Visual Arts Small Learning Community (SLC). An SLC is a small school within
a large school. SLCs aim to create positive environments that lead
to constructive relationships among students, teachers, and staff.


To further enhance the learning experience and help students make connections across disciplines, the English and History teachers
of the Performing and the Visual Arts SLCs follow the Humanitas
model of collaboration, working as teams to create interdisciplinary
units organized around unifying themes.

For additional information:

     l  Course Outlines (Requires Username & Password):

World History            U.S. History

     l  Letter to Parents.

     l  Send me an Email.

Copyright FYI

The use of copyrighted materials for educational purposes constitutes
Fair Use as long as access is restricted, through the use of passwords or other systems, to the intended audience of students registered in a class. Since some of the material featured on this site may be copyrighted literature, photography or art, access has been restricted accordingly.


  World History  

  U.S. History  



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